Sunday, November 15, 2009

A couple of weeks happenings

Been an eventful couple of weeks. We spent the first week at home because Logan had the flu. He was sick with a fever, cough, sore throat, etc. for about 5 days. So I canceled all of my piano lessons and we holed ourselves up in the house and mostly drove each other crazy. Glad that's over and the good news is that no one else caught it.

It was also my birthday this week. Probably my favorite gift was a whole set of aprons homemade by my mom. They are all really cute. She made one for me and a matching one for Kaylinn. My mom took me out for lunch on my birthday and we we went out for dinner that night (Mike, Logan, Kaylinn and I) to a Hibachi grill. That was the kids first time and they really enjoyed the experience. It was a pretty low key birthday, but I thought it was perfect--just the way I wanted to celebrate.

I felt the baby move for the first time last week. It's starting to increase in frequency so that is exciting. I don't know whether to be happy about it or not. I am excited about the new development, but it gets old fast, so I'm leary that I am experiencing this for the first time at 14 weeks.

I watched the documentary Food Inc. this week. Really disturbing, but informative. So if you are interested in being disgusted about what you eat, but learning a lot I would recommend it. I wouldn't recommend it for the weak stomach, though, because it was pretty graphic at times. I had known most of the information already, but having a visual with it was pretty traumatizing. As a consequence I made my own bread this week (first time since I've been pregnant, so that was productive).

We had the Allen clan over last night for pizza and a UofU football game. The Utes got smashed, but it was still fun to hang out together. Speaking of large gatherings, I volunteered to host Thanksgiving dinner this year. It will be my first time so we will see how that goes. That means I get to cook the turkey (first time for that, too). I also get to organize everything else. Mike keeps telling me that I am crazy because I am pregnant and all, but it is a small group this year and I figure I can squish everyone in my house so I might as well right. Bring on the adventure. I will keep you posted on how that goes.

Sunday, November 01, 2009

I was almost lost and gone forever

Well, the most embarrassing thing about coming back to blogspot was looking and seeing that it has been almost 5 months since my last post. So here are my excuses. First: it was summer. The summer was so crazy busy, I didn't even have time to think (or rest for that matter), let alone blog. I had the kids signed up for everything possible (mostly it was a defense against too many video games). Five days a week we were going and going. So here is the abbreviated version of our summer activities. For June and July Logan went to Arts in the Park 2 days a week while Kaylinn was at Preschool Arts and Crafts. This is when I did my grocery shopping and also tried to squeeze in as many other errands as I could. We went letterboxing one morning a week with our Allen cousins (look it up if you are curious, it is lots of fun). Logan did track and field which was 3 afternoons a week plus track meets (He placed 3 times in the 1600m and the long jump). Kaylinn had a dance recital in June, I had a piano recital for my students in May. I trained to run a 5k in June--placed first in my age division. We had playgroups--Kaylinn on Friday mornings and Logan on Friday afternoons. By August I was starting to feel pretty run down. Some of those activities were over, but they were replaced by a solid month of swimming lessons every day and our vacation of the summer--a family reunion in Montana. Add into that mix both Kaylinn's (Fairy Party) and Logan's (Spongebob Water Party) Birthdays.

Kaylinn Swimming Lessons

Logan Track and Field

So that is my first excuse. And honestly, I had vowed to start blogging as soon as the fall came and things went back to normal calmness. And then I decided to work more. SO the fall promise got delayed a bit. I went from the 10 students I had last spring to 20 this fall. Logistically it was quite crazy. I spent a lot of time and the music store trying to straighten out materials for the whole crew. I spent lots of time on the phone trying to straighten out times and answer parents questions. It took a good month before that was all straightened out and things settled down.

And then came the morning sickness. About September I first started feeling really crappy. Okay, maybe I should back up and make the announcement: I'M PREGNANT! WOOHOO! I am 13 weeks right now...due May 10th. And I'm planning on not finding out the sex of the baby. I would like to have a surprise in the delivery room. Okay, back to the narrative. So I pretty much spent the last two months napping or laying around. I Read lots of books and watched a lot of TV. It's been the last couple of days that I've started feeling better(hallelujah!). I had my first appointment last week. I had an ultrasound and saw the baby and it's heartbeat. It is so amazing...even the third time around. The baby was laying on its stomach and kicking around a lot, it looked like a turtle. A cute turtle. My cute turtle. So the baby has received its first nickname.